Stop the masts!!!     Just want to object? Click here.


Proposed site: On the roof of Chiswick Nursing Centre, Ravenscourt Gardens, London W6 0AE



Make sure you get your objections in now




Six mast antennae, more transmitters and other clutter planned for the roof




Links for more information and a poster

H&F Council’s webpage with all the planning documents. The planning application reference number is 2024/01017/FUL.

The developer plans to have a 6 conventional mast antennae and plus other transmitters and clutter at roof level. For simplicity, this will be referred to as ‘masts’.

Our simple info sheet  for this campaign is available as a PDF for printing or emailing to your friends and neighbours. All help in defeating the proposal appreciated.

A cautionary tale about what masts can do to communities.

A ‘No to 5G’ poster you can display (PDF).

Our Links page for short pamphlets, videos etc about 5G and the effects of masts.

Our short and easy-to-read pamphlet for councillors about 5G and the dangers of masts, especially to children. Covers their potential liability if they fail to keep us safe ‘No




Lack of respect for us?:  Have the many visitors using Ravenscourt Park been consulted? Or various schools within the catchment area?

Within immediate range are Ravenscourt Square, Ravenscourt Gardens, Ravenscourt Park, King St (W), Hamlet Gardens, Westcroft Square, Invermead Close and Goldhawk Rd.

Health:  Several homes and schools will be within range. Also Ravenscourt Park with its playgrounds and playing fields where children play.


Locations within range: approx horiz distance (m/yds) from Google Maps or plans


Ravenscourt Park (entire park, football pitches closest)

106m+ / 115yds+

Sulgrave Youth Club

310m / 338 yds

Ravenscourt Park Preparatory School

366m / 400 yds

John Betts Primary School, Paddenswick Rd

426m / 465 yds

Latymer Upper School. King St 

431m / 471 yds

St Peter’s Primary School, St Peter’s Rd

470m / 513 yds



Immediate cell range up to 500m (micro cell), typical macro cell range from 2500m




This is important as children's bodies are still developing and they are more vulnerable to mast radiation effects. A Chief Medical Officer has called for minimising their exposure.

Joshua Pearce of the University of Western Ontario is not ‘anti-mast’, being a shareholder of a telecoms infrastructure company. However, citing technical studies on the effects of mast radiation on children, he urges that masts should be at least 500m / 1,640ft from schools.

Equally aware of the danger, the state government in New Hampshire, USA, have moved to keep masts the same distance from schools, playgrounds and care homes.

Visual impact:  The proposed masts would extend well above the main building roof. This is totally out of keeping with the compact look of the Chiswick Nursing Centre and would detract from the view within the Ravenscourt and Starch Green conservation area.  It will affect property values for those close to it – assuming that they can sell at all.

Conservation:  Trees within range would also suffer the harmful effects of radiation. Yet the applicant, who is not local, turns a blind eye to their existence.

Trees are a key part of the character of the area and provide environmental benefits.

International studies show that they would be harmed by peak radiation levels already being recorded against masts in our Borough.

Masts not really needed:  The coverage checker maps show that 5G is readily available in the area for those who want it.



HAVE YOUR SAY…         

IN A HURRY TO OBJECT?... Just click here for an example objection.


To comment online, use the link: Select ‘Residential amenity’ as reason.




You can also email comments


Subject: 2024/01017/FUL

(Optionally blind copying us so we can keep track of objections – all info kept confidential. Just use the link above.)


Please make sure you at least object to the visual impact of the masts – it would make the skyline look distorted and cluttered and it wouldn’t look right for a conservation area. The unwanted mast radiation will not be good for the health of adults, children or trees in the area. There is already good coverage in the area for those who require it.

Give your name, address and postcode.


NB Comments from the public are not routinely shown.

The requested deadline for objections is Wed, 5 Jun 2024, but in practice they will be accepted before a decision is made. Get yours in now.









The Say No To 5G campaign in H&F was set up in 2019 to stop the spread of mast radiation that’s bad for us, animals and the environment. We are active locally, spreading the word and lobbying decision-makers, including H&F Council.


Click for general info on 5G.


We also support the important crowd-funded national legal action - the appeal is still open for donations



‘Say No To 5G’ Home Page













Data protection note: Safeguarding privacy, GDPR and your right to object